Deer Valley
Community Association
Board of Directors
The Deer Valley Community Association is run by a Board of Directors. These Directors are volunteers who live in Deer Vally and want to help make our community better. Directors are elected at the Annual Metting each October.
Meetings of the Board of Directors are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. Meetings are held at the Deer Valley Pool during the summer months and at the hall at Level Creek Methodist Church during the winter months.
Minutes from the Board of Directors meetings can be found by clicking the links on the left side of the page. Minutes are kept on the website for one year and are updated after they have been approved by the Board of Directors. If you would like a previous year's approved minutes, please contact the DVCA Secretary.
Rental Agreement
As you know, we are in the process of adopting a rental agreement for Deer Valley. This amendment will require a 2/3 vote of all current Deer Valley homeowners.
The button below contains a link to the rental agreement information that was recently sent out.
If you have not already submitted your vote, please print out page 2 of the document and return it to Beth Barrett at CMA. We have extended the deadline for submitting your vote to February 28, 2022. We only need 66 more votes to finalize the outcome of this proposed amendment.
Board of Directors
John Melvin, President
Gary Armstrong, Vice President
Chris Patterson, Secretary
Sandra Fields, Treasurer
Andy Croutch, Director at Large
Have a question for one of the officers on the Board of Directors? Click the Email links on the right side of the page.
Have a question for the entire Board of Directors? Click the "Email DVCA Board" button on the right side of the page to e-mail the entire Board.
Annual Meeting 2022
The Annual Meeting of the DVCA will take place on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 7:00pm at Level Creek Methodist Church.
Once we have the proposed budget, you will be able to see it by clicking the button below.
You can see the 2022 budget by clicking on the button below.